New York, NY: The New American Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the African-American International Chamber of Commerce (AAICC), and the Hispanic-American InternationalChamber of Commerce (HAICC) is presenting its 2 nd Annual Green Business Summit (GBS), on Thursday, October 13, 2016, BNY Mellon, 101 Barclay Street, from 8:30am-3:00pm. GBS is a new international, annual, broad-level forum committed to progressing sustainable development and the green economy, by engaging citizens, business, finance, government and other leaders to find solutions for industries, cities, regions and nations.
three pillars of sustainability are: People, Planet and Profits. This
Summit offers the unique opportunity to do good for oneself, mankind,
the environment and their bottom line. As business owners, we are
profit-driven. This Summit offers ideas, products, inspiration,
motivation,discussion and solutions to impact the future of our
organizations and communities in a meaningful and responsible way. This
Summit is a key initiative for our chamber coalition: NACC, AAICC and
HAICC for our economic development plan.
GBS features a Welcome VIP Breakfast, over 10 Breakout Sessions, an
Exhibiting Hall, and a Networking Luncheon. Last year's breakfast
keynote speaker was presidential candidate for the Green Party, Dr. Jill
Stein who discussed her party's Green agenda. This year's morning
keynote speaker is Congresswoman Hon. Yvette D. Clarke who will be
speaking on the Green Initiatives of Democratic presidential nominee,
Hillary Rodham Clinton. Several faith, business and community leaders
will receive congressional citations for their corporate responsibility,
work to save the environment and sustainability efforts. Our Luncheon
keynote speaker is Jason Safford, who will be speaking on the topic:
'Developing a Green Mind'. Mr. Safford is an author, lecturer and environmental leader.
For more information and registration, please visit: