Start Your Own Virtual Paralegal Business
If you have considered
opening your own paralegal business, there are certain details you should
consider before opening your door and hanging out a shingle. As with any
small business, a freelance paralegal should begin with a strong foundation for
a successful business. The New American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) in
partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration offers a 5-week Small
Business Boot Camp: Start Your Own Virtual Paralegal Business. This is a great
program that puts you in the right direction.
Topics include:
· Developing Your Virtual Paralegal Website & Protect Your Business: Legal Contracts
· Introduction to Marketing & Social Media for the Virtual Paralegal
· For the Virtual Paralegal: Small Business Solutions
· Financing Your Business, Strategic Partnerships & Resources for the Virtual Paralegal
The Program is Free to
Paralegal Students from the Chamber’s Paralegal Certificate Program. All
others: $149.
Register here: